Thursday, April 21, 2011

Small Group

Brandon & I recently joined a small group at the church we've been going to. We are really excited about getting to know good Christian couples our age and getting involved in our church. Last Friday was our first get together with them. We met at Jane & Brandon's house. Their house ended up being right around the corner...2 blocks from our house. We cooked out, played games and just enjoyed being around other young married couples.

We are getting ready to start reading "For Men Only" and "For Women Only" by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn. I am suupper excited about this. I actually bought Brandon the "For Men Only" for his stocking this past Christmas (which he hasn't read yet! not surprisinggg...haha) So it worked we can both read it with our small group.

Has anyone else read these books?
I think their going to be really interesting!

On another's a picture of the cake we took to the cookout.
Mr. Peter Cotton-tail

His 'lil ears started running as soon as we got him into their house. Ohhh well...He was still cute! :)
Brandon and I worked very hard on him. Not sure if ya'll have ever heard of a Pig-Pick'n Cake....but that's what Mr. Bunny was made out of. He was de-lic-i-ous....let me tell 'ya! My mom used to make bunny cakes for my birthday parties when I was younger. She used to make 1 Mr. Bunny and 1 Mrs. Bunny. Their not that hard to should try it!!


Lindsay said...

That cake looks DELICIOUS! So cute! Thanks for all of the well wishes on our blog!

Betsy Watkins said...

For Women Only is very good. I did that study with a group a few years ago. Very helpful. You all will like it.
Miss you!