Tuesday, October 14, 2014

First Baptist Atlanta - Dr. Charles Stanley

 The Sunday morning while we were in Atlanta, we had the opportunity to go to Charles Stanley's church {First Baptist Atlanta.} The church was only a couple miles from the hotel we were staying at so it worked out pretty well. Unfortunately, we didn't get to hear Charles Stanley preach {he was in rehab due to falling} but we did get to see/hear Louie Giglio. The service was amazing and you could really feel the Spirit in that place. It was an honor to be there. My parents {as far back as I can remember} have always watched Charles Stanley on Sunday mornings while getting ready for church. They've always done this and still do to this day. It just didn't seem real to my dad to actually be in the church that Charles Stanley preaches at. My dad is a pretty emotional guy {I do get this from him.} He sat there and cried when we were waiting for the service to start. He said it felt like a dream....didn't seem real and was going to tell Charles Stanley in heaven one day that he visited his church. I am so glad we got the opportunity to be apart of the service that day. They were actually honoring Dr. Charles Stanley for his 45 years of service as pastor over their church.

I did take a few pictures before the service started.

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