Thursday, April 24, 2014

An EGG-cellent Easter - part one

Our Easter started very early Sunday morning...and when I say 6:00 early!! Bailey is an early riser for sure. I have no idea where she gets that from because me and her daddy are not. lol As soon as I heard Bailey awake, I went to their room and tried to hold them off from going into the living room. I hated for my parents and Brandon to get up so early. Well, that lasted for about 20 minutes and then we had to go wake everyone up.

As soon they walked into the living room, they noticed the bunny tracks.
 They both followed the tracks to the fireplace where
their baskets were but payed them no mind.
{Pay no attention to our unfinished fireplace. 
We've been working on it for f.o.r.e.v.e.r. and just haven't had the time to finish it yet.}
 They kept going to the front door and jumping over the bunny tracks.

We finally showed them their baskets. 
We tried our hardest to not include candy in their basket and I must say...
we did pretty darn good. :)'

 Brayden took each thing out one by one to show Gam-me and Pa.

The Easter bunny even brought Brandon and my parents a basket.
Leonardo was Brandon's favorite Ninja Turtle growing up...
so when I saw it in the store I knew I had to get it. :)'
I even got the Leonardo Easter eggs to go with it.
Brandon's face actually lit up when he saw it.
Brandon checking out his goodies...
 with the help of Brayden.
 Brayden checking out Gam-me & Pa's basket before he hands it to Pa.
 Pa's goodies.

Brandon made me an Easter basket and put a gift card to my favorite store. ;)
 Once we got done with our Easter baskets, Brayden & Bailey had bunny pancakes.

After breakfast we got ready for church.
This post is super I'll post a few more pictures in the next post. ;)

1 comment:

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Treasure these days, and I see you do.. Time passes and they grow up and gain their wings to fly...time passes so quickly.