This is me cheesing after a couple asked me for my autograph....yes, you heard it right!! They wanted me to sign their ball!! funny, huh? When he asked I thought he was kidding...He said, "you're Mrs. Yarbrough, right?"....I said "yes, you don't want my autograph....I'm a nobody...haha" and he said "well I want you to sign my ball." ReAlLy?!?!? They made my I am somebody....I'm Brandon's wife. haha!! I had never signed a baseball in my life other than writing love notes to my husband.
By the way, that ball is priceless...don't be trying to find it on ebay! haha just kidding!
When I told Brandon, he just laughed! He said, "it's hard signing a baseball, isn't it?"
ToO FuNnY!!
This is Ollie the Trolley. He saved my life yesterday!!
I haven't been feeling good the past couple of days so Brandon has been taking the car and I've been staying home...well, until yesterday Brandon texted me from the field and said he was starting. I was extremely excited but had no way to the field. I was determined I wasn't missing him playing for nothing in this, I thought about the trolley. I wasn't sure where to go to get on or where it went but I knew where I was going. So, I did my research and got ready and started walking. Come to find out....the trolley stop was about a block away from our apartment and it was free to ride to Salt River Fields. I was sooo pumped!! I called and talked to my mom during the whole time (b/c my husband insisted)...I think he thought I was gonna get kidnapped or something...(they would bring me back...he knows that!! :) So anyways.....I made it to the field (and I was actually a few minutes early) and got to see my hubby play!! P.S. It's amazing how independent you become married to a baseball player...I would have never done anything like this before! My family knows that!

This is how I roll.......haha
Here's a few pictures from the game yesterday.
Rockies vs. Angels
This is Lincoln. His daddy plays with Brandon. He's soo precious. He always seems to find me at the game. He'll just plop right down on my lap! He's the cutiest! He loves playing with my sunglasses case....or our keys...or my camera....or whatever he can find in my pocketbook. haha