Tuesday, February 26, 2013

S'getti, anyone?

Brayden and Bailey had spaghetti the other day for the first time and loved it. 
At first, I was feeding them and then I decided to let them feed themselves. I tried to teach them how to suck it in their mouths, but they were too busy stuffing their faces.

What a mess we had. 
We had spaghetti e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.

 I could tell Bailey was stuffed. She kept playing with it and getting it all in her hair. Brayden seemed really relaxed lying back in his chair so I quickly gave Bailey a bath and came back to Brayden like this. lol
I hated to wake him up, but that boy needed a bath!! lol
I'd say our children like s'getti!! :0)


Lindsay said...

Ooooh - that is the cutest thing ever! Love that he fell asleep in his chair. That is satisfaction ;)

MegnHarry said...

So fun! If Bebo is anything like our pup, he loved it too! So much falls on the floor that he makes a meal out of it!

The Yarbrough's said...

It was so sweet how he fell asleep. It scared me at first when I saw him like that.

Bebo loves when they drop food. We are trying to teach them not to feed him or drop food on the floor, but hasn't worked yet. lol