I can't believe it......Brayden & Bailey are 2 months old! Boy does time fly. They are growing so fast. It almost makes me sad. Both of them are growing out of their newborn clothes and have officially outgrown newborn diapers.

Bailey Bug ~ Our sweet little girl. You are growing incredibly too fast. You had your first cold and I had to take you to the doctor. You weighed 9 lbs and 4 oz. Your daddy was shocked when I told him. You are eating 4 ounces every 3 hours and sometimes you will go 4 hours. Since you've been sick, your dad and I have been giving you a little bit of medicine to help you feel better. This has helped you sleep better. We took you and your brother on your first trip when you turned 7 weeks. We traveled to see both families and ya'll did great. You two also went to church for the first time. We went to the Sunday night service. You slept just about the whole time until you got hiccups. Brayden snoozed the whole time...he never even knew he was in church. haha Everyone made over you guys and were soo excited to meet you. You are just like me when it comes to sleeping...you love to sleep on your stomach. Your daddy and I only let you do this during the day when we can watch you. Your hair is beautiful. It's light brown with blonde underneath. Your daddy and I keep trying to guess if your going to have blonde hair like me. We guess time will tell. Your eyes are still blue. Your daddy thought you were going to have brown eyes like him....however, they have gotten more blue...so, now we are starting to wonder.You are about to outgrow all your newborn clothes and have already outgrown newborn diapers. You have started enjoying bathtime a little better. You like your water really warm. You and your brother both love watching the ceiling fan and looking at lights. They amaze you! You have recently started making cooing noises and smiling at us. Nothing makes me smile more than watching you and your brother smile at me and your daddy. Your sweet little noises are so precious. You truly are a princess.......{and yes princesses do cry!} :)

Little Brayden ~ Our precious little boy. You are growing incredibly fast too. We haven't weighed you lately but we are pretty sure you are running close to your sister. We just started feeding you 5 ounces every 3 hours and if we are lucky you might go 4 hours. You are always hungry! You take after your daddy. You can put down some food! You have recently been sick with your first cold. You are still getting over it. Your daddy and I have been giving you medicine to help with your temperature and to make you feel better. You like sleeping on your stomach also but you love for your head to be facing left. We have been trying to get you to sleep facing your right but you always seem to turn your head the other way. You and your sister amaze us. If you move while your sleeping....so does she. The other day, you sneezed and then Bailey sneezed right after you. It was the craziest thing. You two won't even be sleeping right next to each other and both of you will start squirming at the same time. Your eyes are still blue too...however, you are the spitting image of your daddy when he was a baby so we think you might have brown eyes like him. Your hair is a strawberry-blonde color. Where that came from....we will never know. :) You are growing like a weed. You have outgrown a few of your newborn sleepers that I love on you so much. You will soon be out of newborn clothing. We recently graduated you to size 1 diapers. You were starting to leak out. The other day.....you pee-peed twice all over gammy when she was watching you. Not only did you pee but you did the other too.....lol! She about died. She thought it was the funniest thing.

Brayden & Bailey ~ We can't believe another month has come and gone. Everyday we look forward to your smiling faces. We are sooo thankful you two are healthy. Your daddy and I are sooo blessed to have you two as our children.
We love you soooo sooooo soooo much....more than the whole wide world and we can't wait to see what next month holds.
Mommy & Daddy
{Oh yeah......your big brother Bebo is soooo protective over the two of you. If someone is holding you, he will go and sit in their lap. If Marlin comes over or any of Gammy's dogs, Bebo gets right in-between you and them so they can't get close to you. It's the sweetest thing. We can't wait until he can chase ya'll around. We know it won't be long. He also loves to lay on the floor right beside ya'll during tummy-time but we have to be careful because he likes to lay on your legs. I guess he's trying to lay in-between your legs like he does me and your daddy. It won't be long until he can do that too!}