Friday, April 1, 2016

St. Patty's Day :: Preschool

The kids had a little leprechaun sneak into their classroom before they got to school.
He made a mess........
 and left his footprints everywhere.
Mrs. Eakins and Mrs. Kelly said B&B were a little unsure about the leprechaun. Bailey kept asking about him and Brayden was looking around for him while he went potty. lol 

They explained to them how small and fast he is....and they wouldn't ever see him.

When I picked them up from school...that's all I heard {especially from Bailey.} She talked about it all day and until she went to bed that night. She was worried he would come to our house. I had to explain to them that he wasn't real. It was just for fun. She asked, "so our teachers did that?" I reassured her...."yes....your teachers did that." :)'

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